
Posts by: wmf

Piano (solos and duets)

Piano (solos and duets)

  Beginners – up to Grade 2 Intermediate – Grade 3-5 Advanced – Grade 6+ Entrants should prepare a programme of about the following length: Beginners – 3-5 Minutes Intermediate – 5-8 Minutes Advanced – 8-10 Minutes    

David Chitson

“When the Weymouth Music Festival first started I decided to sponsor a trophy to be presented to ‘The Most Promising Pianist’. Over the next 26 years it has given me great pleasure to see so many of these pianists go…

David Bruce-Payne

“I have been associated with the Weymouth Music Festival as an Adjudicator for many years. I feel that one of its main attractions has been the fact that it is non-competitive and I am sure that this feature has given…

Vocal Solos & Duets

Vocal Solos & Duets

Beginners – up to Grade 2 Intermediate – Grade 3 – 5 Advanced – Grade 6+ Entrants should prepare a programme of about the following length: Beginners – 3-5 Minutes Intermediate – 5-8 Minutes Advanced – 8-10 Minutes  

Choirs & Vocal Ensembles

Choirs & Vocal Ensembles

Beginners – up to Grade 2 Intermediate – Grade 3 – 5 Advanced – Grade 6+ Entrants should prepare a programme of about the following length: Beginner and Intermediate Groups:  8 – 10 Minutes + set-up time Advanced Groups:  10…

Duncan Honeybourne

“For me as a young musician growing up in South Dorset, the Weymouth Music Festival offered a taste of the exciting musical world outside. I was enthused and inspired by celebrity adjudicators and relished the chance to test my skills…

Orchestras, Bands & Instrumental Groups

Orchestras, Bands & Instrumental Groups

Beginners – up to Grade 2 Intermediate – Grade 3 – 5 Advanced – Grade 6+ Entrants should prepare a programme of about the following length: Beginner and Intermediate Groups:  8 – 10 Minutes + set-up time Advanced Groups:  10…